Beach House가 최신 음악을 더 오래 홍보하기 위해 바이럴을 활용한 방법
Sub Pop Records의 Beach House 팀은 전체 화면 스폰서 추천으로 아티스트의 새 앨범을 홍보하는 Marquee를 사용해 새 앨범을 홍보하고 아티스트의 이전 앨범까지 후광 효과를 이끌어냈습니다.
Last month, we gave a small group of artists and their teams the ability to pick a song, album, or playlist to pin to the top of their artist page with a short message. It was an opportunity for these artists to share something they loved — and make their artist page their own.
While we weren’t quite sure what they’d pick, we saw some really cool things happen:
As a result, artists’ pages became more personal and fans found great new music and playlists.
So starting today, every artist and manager can add a pick to their artist page using Spotify For Artists. Choose something you love — a track, album, or playlist — and add a short message about why you love it. Picks live at the top of your artist page for two weeks and can be changed or updated whenever you want.
To get started, head to your artist page in the Spotify desktop app. Make sure you’re logged in using the same account that’s connected to Spotify For Artists. Once you make a pick and add a message, it’ll be featured on your artist page in the desktop and mobile apps.
🚨 Pro tip: to add emojis to your pick, hit command + control + space on Mac 🔥 🍕 📌
If you’re an artist or manager without access to Spotify For Artists yet, you can request access here.
Spotify for Artists는 목표를 달성하는 데 필요한 팬층을 늘리는 데 도움이 됩니다.
Sub Pop Records의 Beach House 팀은 전체 화면 스폰서 추천으로 아티스트의 새 앨범을 홍보하는 Marquee를 사용해 새 앨범을 홍보하고 아티스트의 이전 앨범까지 후광 효과를 이끌어냈습니다.
아티스트 프로필을 통해 손쉽게 굿즈를 관리하고 팬들에게 판매해보세요.