How to Create a Marquee

March 30, 2021

Marquee is the best way to promote your new release, because it reaches the right listeners at the right time — just as they open the app and are deciding what to listen to.

At Spotify for Artists, we’ve got a bunch of tools you can use to maximize the impact of your release. You can pitch to playlists and create a Canvas for your song, use Artist Pick and social sharing to get the word out, and of course hit all your followers' Release Radar.

Now we have one more addition to this suite of tools: Marquee.

Marquee is that full screen recommendation that says “New music for you!” when an artist drops a new release, so you can turn listeners into bigger fans.

To find out more about how to create a Marquee, watch our step-by-step video above.

For more quick how-to videos on topics like how to change your bio, get verified, update your artist pick, and more click here.

– Spotify for Artists

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