
Take MusiCares’ Wellness In Music Survey

October 28, 2020

This new survey from the Recording Academy’s non-profit organization, MusiCares, seeks to assess the mental health and wellness needs of the music community to better provide support.

It’s no exaggeration to say that 2020 has been a trying year for all of us — artists and music industry professionals included. In this year of crises, controversies, reckonings, and readjustments, maintaining your mental health and physical wellness is more important than ever.

MusiCares, the Recording Academy’s organization created to provide a safety net for people in music, wants to help. To better understand how people who work in music feel and what they need materially, MusiCares created its 2020 Health & Wellness survey to learn about what you feel are the most important issues music professionals have to contend with in 2020.

The survey is open, now until Nov. 9, to any music professionals with 5+ years of experience in the music industry. The survey’s results will be released in early 2021. Take it today and share it with your peers who work in music too. MusiCares wants to hear from you.

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