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Clips are under-30 second vertical videos that let you express your creativity and bring your fans closer, all while keeping your music front-and-center.
Clips are tagged directly to your tracks so fans can discover your music right from the video.
Drive pre-release hype and amplify new music by using Clips at any moment in your release cycle. With Clips you can:
Keep your music in the spotlight for longer. With Clips linked to your profile and tagged tracks, fans can discover you anytime, not just when you flitter into their social feeds.
With Clips, your tracks are always just a tap away. Unlike other short video platforms, Clips appear right within the same app where listeners can instantly stream. Clips are next to your music, so you won’t get lost in a sea of content creators.
Fans can watch Clips on Home, the Now Playing view, Countdown Pages, release pages and more, making it easier for them to find your music and create lasting connections with you as an artist.
Clips is currently in beta.
It’s always great to get the opportunity to bring the story and meaning behind songs to our fans. We did that on Clips with our new release, "Reckless Child."
—Milky Chance
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